How to Enjoy Coffee on a Low Histamine Diet

January 27, 2025

How to Enjoy Coffee on a Low Histamine Diet

For many coffee lovers, starting the day with a perfect cup of joe is essential. However, if you have histamine intolerance, finding a coffee that won’t trigger symptoms can be a real challenge. You may have read the title of this blog post and thought to yourself,

“WAIT ONE MINUTE! I can drink coffee on a low histamine diet?”

And I would respond,

“Actually, you very well may be able to!”

That’s where low histamine coffee comes into play. With truly low histamine coffee and careful management of your low histamine diet, you may be able to add coffee back into your daily routine. I have!

In this post, we’ll dive deep into the world of low histamine coffee and explore everything you need to know to enjoy a delicious brew without unwanted side effects. Continue reading to get the scoop on low histamine or jump right to it by clicking below.

To make your journey smoother, I’ve included links to purchase this coffee. These links are affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you if you choose to buy through them. This helps support my blog and allows me to continue providing you with valuable content. Your trust is important to me, and I only recommend products that I genuinely use and believe in.

Is Coffee High in Histamine?

Maybe. According to SIGHI, Coffee is considered to be moderately compatible, with minor symptoms and occasional consumption of small quantities is often tolerated (SIGHI 1), this puts it on the ‘TLH Maybe List‘.

But I wanted to know why. WHY is coffee considered to be moderately compatible? So I did some research and here is what I found out. There are several reasons, here’s a breakdown:

Caffeine Content

Caffeine itself doesn’t contain histamine, but it can trigger the release of histamine in the body. For individuals with histamine intolerance, this release can lead to symptoms like headaches, flushing, or gastrointestinal issues. Caffeine stimulates nerves and the bowel, which may be mast cell activating.

Low-Quality and Defective Beans

Histamine levels in coffee are significantly impacted by the quality of the beans. Defective beans—those damaged by pests, disease, or poor farming practices—often harbor higher levels of histamine. These defects can introduce additional histamine or biogenic amines like putrescine and cadaverine, which intensify histamine’s effects​.

Under-ripe and Over-ripe beans

Ripeness at harvest is another critical factor. Coffee fruits that are underripe or overripe tend to have higher histamine levels. Overripe cherries often ferment improperly, while underripe ones contain compounds that can exacerbate histamine reactions. When coffee cherries are picked mechanically or without rigorous sorting, underripe and overripe fruits can slip through.

Specialty-grade coffees, which are hand-picked for ripeness, mitigate this issue. In contrast, cheaper coffees frequently blend beans of all ripeness levels, raising the potential for histamine-triggering compounds​.

Moldy Beans

Mold contamination is a major concern in lower-grade coffees. Improper drying and poor storage conditions can lead to the growth of mold and production of mycotoxins, which are known to trigger mast cell activation. While roasting eliminates most living mold spores, the toxins they produce can remain in the final product and contribute to histamine issues​.

Improperly Stored Beans

Improper storage after processing can lead to rancidity and microbial growth. Coffee beans stored in damp or poorly ventilated environments are more likely to harbor mold and bacteria. These contaminants can elevate histamine levels or trigger mast cell activation​.


This is some uncertainty over whether coffee should be considered a “fermented food” or not. Here’s why. After coffee cherries (which are the fruit containing the coffee beans) are harvested and sorted, they undergo processing to extract the coffee beans (also known as “green coffee”) from the fruit. During this process, fermentation occurs as microbes (yeast and bacteria) break down the fruit layer surrounding the beans. This fermentation can either be controlled by the farmer or happen naturally but is an essential step in preparing the beans for drying and roasting. For more on this process check out this blog post.

So Yes, fermentation is a natural part of coffee processing, but not all methods are created equal. Traditional methods like “natural” or “dry” processing rely on prolonged exposure of the coffee fruit to environmental microbes, leading to uncontrolled fermentation. This can introduce unwanted biogenic amines, including histamine.

Inconsistent Roasting Practices

Let’s talk about roasting. This is where things move into the “grey zone”. roasting coffee beans will kill any bacteria and eliminate most of the histamine that may be present due to the fermentation process. The heat involved in roasting breaks down histamine and other biogenic amines, making the final roasted coffee lower in these compounds compared to the unroasted beans. However, the extent of histamine reduction can vary depending on the duration and temperature of the roasting process. Commercial roasters might prioritize volume and speed over precision, potentially leaving small pockets of improperly roasted beans. These inconsistencies could allow trace amounts of histamine to persist.

Poor Processing Practices

The way coffee is handled from harvest to cup has a huge impact on its histamine content. Factors such as hygiene during processing, exposure to contaminants, and lack of quality control can all contribute to higher histamine levels. Specialty coffee producers often adhere to strict food safety standards, including lab testing for toxins and contaminants, which makes a difference for sensitive individuals​.

Is There a Low Histamine Coffee?

YES! Coffee itself isn’t inherently high in histamine—it’s the way it’s grown, harvested, processed, and stored that determines its impact on your health. By choosing a clean, specialty-grade coffee that’s tested for contaminants and carefully processed, it’s possible to enjoy your morning brew without triggering histamine-related symptoms. The key is knowing what to look for: hand-picked, organic, toxin-free, and rigorously tested coffee can make all the difference.

How is Low Histamine Coffee Made?

Creating low histamine coffee involves meticulous attention to every step of the coffee production process, from farm to cup. Here’s how manufacturers ensure their coffee is suitable for individuals with histamine intolerance:

High-Quality Beans

The foundation of low histamine coffee starts with the beans. Only top-quality, specialty-grade coffee beans are used, as these are less likely to contain defects such as mold, insect damage, or microbial contamination—all potential sources of histamine. The beans are hand-picked at peak ripeness to avoid under- or overripe fruit, which can increase histamine levels​.

Controlled Processing Methods

After harvest, coffee beans go through a processing stage to remove the fruit surrounding the seed. For low histamine coffee, precise and controlled methods like washed (wet) processing are used to reduce the risk of uncontrolled fermentation. In this process, the coffee cherries are passed through a pulper to remove most of the fruit’s outer skin. The beans are then placed in controlled fermentation tanks containing natural wild yeast and bacteria, which help break down the remaining fruit residue.

Proper Storage Practices

To maintain quality, beans are stored in dry, cool, and ventilated conditions. Improper storage can lead to mold growth and the accumulation of biogenic amines, including histamine. Low histamine coffee producers take extra care to ensure the beans remain free of contaminants throughout this stage​.

Thoughtful Roasting Techniques

The roasting process is another critical factor. During roasting, histamine and other biogenic amines naturally degrade under high heat. By carefully adjusting temperatures and roasting times, manufacturers can maximize this degradation while preserving the coffee’s flavor and health benefits​.

Decaffeination Using the Swiss Water Process

For those sensitive to caffeine, low histamine coffee includes decaffeinated options produced through the Swiss Water Process (SWP). This proprietary method removes 99.9% of the caffeine without using harmful solvents that can leave toxic residues. Additionally, roasters clear their equipment of regular coffee before processing decaf, ensuring the final product remains as clean as possible. This method also preserves antioxidants, making it a healthier choice​.

Rigorous Testing for Contaminants

Low histamine coffee undergoes lab testing to ensure it is free from mold, mycotoxins, pesticide residues, and heavy metals. This guarantees the final product is clean, safe, and suitable for those with histamine intolerance or Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)​.

Commitment to Organic and Sustainable Practices

To further reduce the risk of contaminants, low histamine coffee is often sourced from organic, regenerative farms. These practices not only protect the environment but also ensure the coffee is grown in healthier soils, which may result in cleaner, lower-histamine beans​.

The Best Low Histamine Coffee Brand

PURITY CALM. I yap about this brand to anyone who will listen. Even my friends and family who are not low histmaine. There is no other option to consider. It is clean and caffeine free AND most importantly I can drink it every. single. morning. with NO ISSUES!!

Purity Calm decaf is offered in whole bean, ground, and pods but my go-to is these single-serve packs because I can take them with me when I go out to eat, to a friend’s, or on vacation and just order/ask for boiling water. You make it like tea, just steep it in hot water for 5 minutes.

How to Add Low Histamine Coffee Back Into Your Diet

It’s always recommended that you talk to your healthcare provider about your Low Histamine Diet and the changes you are going to make. I am not a doctor, but I can share with you what works for me when reintroducing foods back into my diet.

STEP 1: Start by eating only foods on the TLH YES List. These are foods that are well-tolerated and have low histamine content. When your symptoms are very low or gone (can take 4-6 weeks, if not longer), you are ready to move on to Step 2 and start testing.

STEP 2: Once your symptoms are low or gone you can follow this general process that I found works for me and may also work for you.

Coffee and Histamine dont have to go together. Low histamine coffee offers a thoughtful solution for those who love coffee but struggle with histamine sensitivity. By prioritizing high-quality beans, controlled processing, clean storage, and rigorous testing, it’s possible to enjoy a flavorful, satisfying brew without the worry of triggering symptoms. Low histamine coffee lets you indulge in your daily ritual with confidence. Because everyone deserves a safe, delicious way to start their day.