

Hello and welcome to Truly Low Histamine where you can Nourish with Confidence.” I’m Jenny, and I’d love to share my journey with you.

My Story

One day in my forties, my life took an unexpected turn. Almost like flicking a light switch, I found myself wrestling with a host of debilitating symptoms: persistent dizziness, brain fog, heart palpitations, and debilitating migraines, to name just a few. Feeling scared, desperate, and out of control I started on a path of “health-discovery”.

My Journey of “Health Discovery”

My journey involved countless doctor visits, an array of tests, wrong diagnosis, and a good deal of trial and error. After much research, persistence, and the right doctor, I finally uncovered the root cause of my health struggles: vestibular migraines. These invisible adversaries were set off by four key triggers, but one of the biggest is HISTAMINE. Histamine Intolerance.

Time to Make a Change

Histamine intolerance was a major blow, especially as someone who loves cheese, cured meats, olives…basically all the charcuterie board food groups. Suddenly, I had to make MAJOR changes to my diet. I had to adopt a low histamine diet, and the transition was anything but simple.

But from this challenge, I came out on the other side healthier than I had been for decades. By eating a low histamine diet I was able to effectively manage my symptoms and regain control over my life.

The Birth of This Blog

In the beginning, eating a low histamine diet was incredibly challenging. I was hungry all the time because I didn’t know what to eat. With numerous rules and my new limited food options, I was often left in a state of confusion, made even worse by discrepancies among various low histamine food lists.

Many recipes claimed to be low histamine but included ingredients not compatible with those on a low histamine diet, and others, while enticing, demanded more time than I could spare as a busy mom of three. I didn’t have time to cook up an elaborate meal every time I wanted to eat. What I craved were easy recipes that not only tasted fantastic but also gained the approval of the whole family.

My determination to overcome these hurdles led to the inception of “Truly Low Histamine.” This blog serves as my platform to not only recount my journey but also unveil the family-tested and approved recipes I’ve crafted along the way. These recipes are easy to make, bursting with flavor, and, most importantly, truly low histamine.

My Mission

The heart of this blog lies in its mission: to be a trusted resource for those who, like me, must follow a truly low histamine diet. Here, you’ll find an array of easy low-histamine recipes for American-style fare spanning snacks, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, ensuring that you can confidently prepare low-histamine meals.

Additionally, I’m excited to share insights and findings that have helped me navigate the complex world of vestibular migraines and histamine intolerance.

Join Me on This Journey

My own path led me to start this blog, and I’m thrilled to have you join me. Together, let’s explore the world of truly low histamine living and savor the culinary delights that await us, all while nourishing our bodies and souls with confidence.