The Perfect Low-Histamine Charcuterie Board

April 13, 2024

The Perfect Low-Histamine Charcuterie Board

If you are anything like me, your heart broke a little bit when you realized almost everything on your beloved charcuterie board was off-limits on a low histamine diet. But never fear, this low histamine charcuterie board will help your heart heal. This recipe is a go-to for me, giving me a super quick and easy low histamine snack or lunch option that is still so satisfying.


All the ingredients used in this recipe are truly low histamine and can be found on the TLH YES List.


Cucumbers have a fresh, crisp taste with a slightly melon-like flavor and a refreshing crunch. Their mild flavor and hydrating properties make cucumbers a versatile and safe choice for adding a refreshing element to salads, snacks, and salsas.


The bell pepper AKA the sweet pepper is the only pepper that is compatible with a low histamine diet. Fresh bell peppers have a crisp, slightly sweet taste with a refreshing crunch, ideal for salads, salsas, or as a crunchy snack. When roasted, their flavor sweetens considerably, transforming into a rich, smoky, and slightly caramelized taste.


Fresh mozzarella is loved for its soft, mild, creamy flavor that subtly enhances without overpowering other ingredients. It works well for a low histamine diet because it is lower in histamine compared to aged cheeses, making it a safer choice for those with histamine sensitivities. Fresh mozzarella can be enjoyed in a variety of different ways, from salads to baked dishes where the mozzarella melts beautifully.


Rice cakes, naturally low in histamines, are known for their light, airy texture, and a subtly nutty, mild flavor. This makes them a versatile base for a variety of toppings. Their mild taste also allows them to pair well with both sweet and savory toppings. Any rice cakes will do as long as you check the ingredients to make sure everything is on the YES list. I like these thinner rice cakes by Lundberg which include brown rice and salt.

Suggested Brand: Lundberg Thin Stackers


Brazil Nuts are one of the few nuts we can eat on a low histamine diet. They are reminiscent of macadamia nuts in both taste and texture. What makes Brazil nuts particularly beneficial for those on a low histamine diet is they are an excellent source of selenium. This is an antioxidant that supports the body’s natural ability to stabilize histamine levels and mitigate allergic reactions.


Blueberries are an excellent choice for a low histamine diet because they are naturally low in histamines and rich in antioxidants, which can help stabilize the body’s histamine levels and support overall health. These small but mighty fruits are versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes, from smoothies and desserts to savory pairings, making them a delicious and safe option for anyone managing histamine intolerance.


This low histamine charcuterie board is a super quick and easy lunch option. It can be made in 3 simple steps in about 5 minutes. Lunch in 5 minutes? Yes Please!

STEP 1 – Gather all your ingredients: Bell Pepper, Mozzarella, Rice Cakes, Blueberries, Cucumber, and Brazil Nuts.

STEP 2 – Slice up the bell pepper, cucumber, and mozzarella. You can use a peeler to remove a bit of the skin on the cucumber and create a pretty pattern.

STEP 3 – Beautifully lay all the ingredients out on a platter or charcuterie board.

The Perfect Low Histamine Charcuterie Board

If you are anything like me, your heart broke a little bit when you realized almost everything on your beloved charcuterie board was off-limits on a low histamine diet. But never fear, this low histamine charcuterie board will help your heart heal. This recipe is a go-to for me, giving me a super quick and easy snack or lunch option that is still so satisfying.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Course Appetizer, Snack
Servings 2


  • 1 Bell Pepper washed
  • 1 Cucumber washed
  • Fresh Mozzarella
  • Rice Cakes
  • 1/2 cup Blueberries washed
  • 1/4 cup Brazil Nuts Optional to use Roasted and Salted


  • Wash the veggies
  • Slice up the veggies
  • Slice up the mozzarella
  • Lay out the fruit, veggies, mozzarella, rice cakes, and Brazil Nuts on a platter or charcuterie board


SIGHI Levels and Comments per Recipe Ingredient
All items in this recipe are from the Truly Low Histamine TLH YES List.
Below are the SIGHI Histamine Compatibility Values. A 0 means the food items are Low Histamine and well tolerated. No symptoms are expected at usual intake. 
Bell Pepper 0
Cucumber 0
Rice Cakes 0
Fresh Mozzarella 0
Brazil Nuts 0
Blueberries 0
Keyword charcuterie board, Easy, Quick


How do I know if a food is compatible with a Low Histamine Diet?

There are various reputable sources that provide this information, the Swiss Interest Group Histamine Intolerance (SIGHI) being the most referenced and respected. You can Check out my YES, NO, and MAYBE food lists here. This list combines information from SIGHI and other reputable food lists to create a resource to help you eat truly low histamine.

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